How to Reduce Generator Fuel Consumption

Generators used in buildings, big and small, are often geared to being able to power everything being turned on at once, i.e., maximum loading. Most companies are largely or solely dependent on diesel or petrol to generate electricity. However, with soaring electricity costs, it is not wise to keep spending a large portion of one’s income on powering generator. These tips would help you save money for your business on buying fuel.



Just by employing a battery bank, a 240-volt battery charger, and an inverter into the power system, you can significantly reduce your fuel bills; by 40- 50%, and save on the need for extra hardware within one year. As a result, there could be a considerable downscaling of the size of the generator required. Any petrol or diesel generator needs to have a minimum loading when it is running. A smaller generator uses less fuel per kilowatt-hour for the smaller loads as it has a smaller minimum loading.


By using low voltage light bulbs, you can have good quality lighting that is more reliable than conventional ones and uses much less power.


By changing over to a low voltage compressor motor type refrigerator, you may be able to significantly reduce the fuel consumption. A low voltage compressor motor type refrigerator or freezer on average uses significantly less power than its 240-volt counterpart.


Using an efficient energy management software can help to reduce energy consumption to a large extent by intelligently monitoring usage patterns by the users in the building. EnSmart, the flagship product of EcoSmart Energy Systems aims at doing just that. It is one of the best energy billing software on the market currently. By monitoring different areas where energy is being consumed more, preventive and precautionary actions can be taken accordingly.


The facility manager should be responsible to regularly carry out maintenance activities of generators and associated systems to ensure that all are in good working condition. If any faults or damages are found, make it sure to rectify them as soon as possible, avoiding unnecessary fuel wastage.

Using renewable energy sources is a great alternative to avoid high operational costs of generators. Meeting sustainability initiatives is becoming a growing trend for modern businesses. Therefore, installing solar panels or using wind technology can help a business be less reliant on utility companies or the need for generators.

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